Many of us are very busy these days, well ok Covid-19 have put some blocks in most of our busy lives. Not all of course, some are busier than ever. But generally speaking most of us are very busy.
So whom am `I to give some tips, well mainly from things that have helped me. I have been a stay at home mom for 3 kids for 14 years, having some part-time jobs and teaching a couple of yoga classes during this time. From that to work full-time in the corporate world with a long commute, still teaching yoga. On top of that I did a course in Health Coaching with IIN (send me a DM for more info and discount if you are interested in doing this course). This gives me some experience and not only from one area. Many people think that being a stay at home mom is a piece of cake, drinking coffee and watch soaps on the TV all day, well it is far from it, of course it has a lot of advantages, with also working has. More about that another time....
The hardest thing is to have enough time, many times I wish the day had more than 24 hours. But it is also a mindset and yes we are still busy, but it is by changing our story, that we tell ourselves and others. Instead of telling everyone including yourself, how busy you are and how little time you have. Instead say and think this:
- I have plenty of time
- I create my own time
When I started to say this to myself and also tell others I felt less stressed and overwhelmed. Of course I forget this a lot of the time to, it is a working progress, but then I remember to stop saying how busy I am.

What can we do:
- Schedule your time
- Rearrange your time schedule-maybe you can remove things.
- Set a time for different tasks and bundle task together.
- Don't procrastinate!
I am so guilty of the last one, I think it is in my genes ;) I do procrastinate a lot, especially when I need to clean the house or any other things I don’t like to do. I come up with a lot of other things to do or I just say; “I do it in a while”. This way I waste so much time, if I only did it straight away, that would free up time for something else.
I was talking to my mom one day about my youngest son now 13 years, how we always say; “I do it later” and later it doesn’t happen and so it goes on. The first thing she said was; “That reminds me of someone.” Yes I remembered I was exactly the same and still am to some degree. Unfortunately I did not get my moms and my sisters super clean gene.....instead I got the procrastinate gene :)
Some tips:
Take some time and write down what you do in a week, is there anything that you don't need to do or can you delegate? Can you add some tasks together to save some time. Decide what to cook for dinner in advance, this cut time and stress, you can also get all the ingredients in advance. Decide what you are going to wear for work, if you have your outfits selected and ready, this will save precious time in the morning. Do schedule your exercise and self-care the same as you do with appointments, if it is in your diary its more likely to happen.
There is just a few tips, of course there is plenty more!
